Cat Sitting
Even the most “independent” kitties need love too.
We understand the needs of cats.
It goes beyond keeping their litterbox clean and food in their bowls. Unsupervised, cats will entertain themselves and sometimes end up in places they shouldn’t be so we will find out their hiding places and make sure they are ok. We love playing with the very social cats and and for the more laid back cats , we’ll give them what they need too.
All Cat Sitting visits include:
Snuggle, cuddles, belly rubs
Litter box cleaning on every visit
Retrieving mail
Freshening water
Removal of pet waste
Kitty play time
Dispensing medication if needed
Prompt follow up after visit
Watering plants
Rotating lights
Closing blinds
Curbing garbage cans

30-Minute Visit
(up to 3 cats)
Additional cats: $3 cat | Holiday Surcharge $30 per visit
My cat tends to hide when new people visit. How will I know he is safe while I’m gone?
We know that many cats have hiding places all over the house. Even if your cat doesn’t want to interact with us (and we hope he will), we always want to make sure he’s safe and healthy. First, we will ask you where all the hiding places are located. Second, at our consultation, we will ask for a tour of your home so we can view these places as well. In addition, we will monitor the amounts of food and water consumed and make sure your cat is eliminating regularly. Check out all our pet care services.