Dog Walking
Did You know dogs that get daily walks are more optimistic?
Daily Dog Walking
Whether working long hours or super busy while working from home, your dog can enjoy fresh air, exercise, and a potty break even when you are away. There are many benefits to daily dog walking, Including:
1. Socialization: During walks, your dog has the chance to meet new people and other dogs and explore its surroundings. These new experiences are essential for your dog's development and can help promote friendliness rather than fearfulness.
2. Training Opportunities: By following another's lead, your dog can learn what is and isn't acceptable behavior on a walk. Being on the other end of the leash gives your dog clear direction and guidance, making it easier for them to understand commands, which can later be used off-leash.
3. Reducing Behavior Issues: If a dog exhibits behaviors like excessive barking or chewing, it may be a sign of boredom. These attention-grabbing behaviors can often decrease significantly when your dog is exercised and engaged during daily walks.
4. Reducing Hyperactivity & Excitability: If your dog can play in the backyard but still has excess energy when coming back inside, it might benefit from a walk. Exercise is essential, and experiencing the world outside the house provides mental stimulation for your pet, which can lead to a calmer and more relaxed demeanor upon returning home.
5. Health Benefits: Daily exercise helps your dog maintain a healthy weight and aids digestion. In addition to the physical benefits of a daily walk, your dog's mental health will flourish when getting out to explore and experience new things every day!
All dog walking visits include:
A walk
Cuddles, snuggles, belly rubs
Removal of pet waste
Freshening water
Feeding if needed
Dispensing medication if needed
Prompt follow up after each visit
Regular walks help establish trust and confidence in many ways. The most significant improvements are observed when dogs are walked for at least 60 minutes twice a week.

Daily Dog Walking Membership Program
Get 10% off your first month of walks
All walks are 60 minutes long
Two Days A Week: $240 Per Month
Three Days A Week: $360 Per Month
Four Days A Week: $480 Per Month
Five Days A Week: $600 Per Month
Single Booking Dog Walking
30 Minute Dog Walk: $30 Per Walk
45 Minute Dog Walk: $40 Per Walk
60 Minute Dog Walk: $50 Per Walk