Why Hire Tender Loving Pet Care
Loving Animals is not enough!
Tender Love & Pet Care recognizes that your pets are family and deserve the best care providers. Knowing who has access to your home is taken seriously by you and by us. With Tender Love & Pet Care, you hire the best and can feel confident your home is protected, and your pets are given the best care.
Making a decision about who will come into your home and take care of your four-legged family members is very important. They will be responsible not only for your pets but also for the safety and security of your home.
Our staff members are trained to follow specific instructions on the best way to care for your pets. No matter who your care provider is, you will get the same level of service. Companies utilizing independent contractors cannot train or guide independent contractors. Independent contractors determine their procedures and decide how to best serve the client. Your care from one independent contractor to the next could be very inconsistent.
All team members participate in ongoing education. Your care provider is taught how to best handle your pets and keep them safe. Tender Love & Pet Care is a FetchFind-approved company. FetchFind provides our team with videos and articles every week. All of us participate and must pass a quiz after each assignment.
In addition to this training program, management will periodically accompany care providers in the field for further guidance. They are shown how to dispense medication, reinforce training, and work with reactive dogs. Employees even learn fun things they can do with their pets, such as tricks, games, etc.
All employees are closely monitered and supervised. Companies utilizing independent contractors have little to no supervision. Most independent contractors are not subject to GPS tracking so you won’t know if the visits are shortened or done at different times than your request.
Did you know that independent contractors can contract out their jobs? They can send anyone into your home without notification to you! You will not see their training level and education, not to mention that the substitutes are not insured. Though independent contractors are legally required to have liability insurance, most do not. More reasons to hire Tender Love & Pet Care.
You have direct access to the company's owner, so when there's a problem, you have someone to call who holds its employees accountable for their actions. When using independent contractors or services like Rover, Thumbtack, and Uber-like companies, who do you call when there's a problem? A customer service department that is giving you "canned" answers!

Using the Best Pet Sitting Technology Available.
Our pet-sitting software, Time to Pet, is an online portal that stores your sensitive information. The site is secure and accessible only to you and your individual sitter.
Each of our sitters has a password-protected app on their phone that gives them access to this information so that there is no paper trail. Each sitter has a login to quickly assess the details of the client they are servicing.
This information ranges from your names and contact information to the alarm codes, schedules of your trips, and your pet’s food and medication data. Do you want that data written on paper and kept in your sitters’ cars? What happens if their car is broken or stolen with all your sensitive home information inside?
If you are trusting your neighbor, family member, or even some pet sitters who don’t utilize technology, the security of your home and pets could be significantly compromised if the information needed to provide service for your pets and home is not gathered and stored securely.
At your door, each sitter checks in through their app, and the sitter checks out when the visit is over. This process documents the duration of time and even goes a step further. A pin is dropped when they check in and out to verify their locations. You will never have to worry if your sitter is cheating you out of visit time.
All scheduling requests go directly into the pet-sitting software for us to approve and confirm. Think of the times you want to set up a visit, but it’s too late at night to call or text! It’s no problem; scheduling is as easy as logging in to Time to Pet and requesting. You will receive an email confirmation that your visit is scheduled.
There may be a specific visit where you want us to do something unusual. No problem, just log in to Time to Pet and send us a message. Or, when you schedule, put those special instructions right into the request.
Technology makes working with
Tender Love & Pet Care
so much easier.
There’s so little for you to do and so little for you to worry about. Focus on having fun with your pets!
We have you covered. Download Our App!